Dharmasthala, the holiest of holy places, situated in Karnataka’s coastal district of Dakshina Kannada, has always held a divine attraction that draws pilgrims from far and wide. All offerings to the temple are channelized into Annadaana (mass meals), Vidyadaana (free/subsidized education), Abhayadana (countering the fear) and Nyayadaana (justice based on truth and facts).
As the abode of Dharma, Dharmasthala showers its beneficence without making distinctions of caste, creed and status. With a philosophy based on the brotherhood of men, there is no place for religious intolerance here. Charity here centers round the mitigation of human suffering and fight against social evil and inequality. The head of this unique institution, the Heggade of Dharmasthala is duty bound to provide help to the needy and the deserving.
Dharmasthala has emerged as the fountainhead of a new educational movement, which has been responsible for spreading value based education in the state.
Details of Course Offered, Seats, Fee, Specialty & Hostel:
UG Course Course Fee Hostel Estd. Year College Type Affiliation Address Telephone No. Email-Id Website | 60 Seats N/A Yes 1989 Non-Government Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore S.D.M. College of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences, Ujire, Karnataka - 574240 (D.K.) 08256 – 236188 [email protected] www.sdmbnys.in |