The primary year begins with a preparation program for introducing basic sciences. This year the foundation includes introduction to pre-clinical dentistry and dental materials.
Human Anatomy Embryology and Histology including : Gross anatomy, histology and embryology are treated in its broader aspects, emphasizing points of clinical importance. Morphology is learned through lectures, dissections and clinical discussions.
Human Physiology Biochemistry including : body functions and physiological basis for understanding Integrates clinical conditions. Laboratory exercises are complemented by experimentation and demonstration. Biochemistry deals with the nature of the chemical processes that occur in living cells of our body with its applied aspects.
Oral Human Anatomy Embryology and Histology including : Lectures and laboratory course introduces the morphology of normal teeth, tooth carving and anatomy exercises occlusion healthy teeth. This course also includes extensive under-standing of embryology, microscopic and macroscopic structure, and functions of the orofacial complex.
The second year is provides the knowledge of the basic clinical and pre-clinical sciences. General and Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Principles of drug action in the body and drugs of importance to clinical dentistry.
Dental materials : A thorough examination of the physical and chemical properties of the materials related to the practice of dentistry properties.
General Pathology and Microbiology General : Curriculum covers the fundamentals and general principles of disease in our body. Didactic sessions mainly comprising lectures are supplemented by macroscopic and microscopic laboratories and seminars. Microbiology includes bacteriology, virology, mycology and immunology to prepare students for a detailed study of infectious diseases, the general characteristics of pathogenic microorganisms, together with the laboratory instructions.
Pre-Operative Dentistry clinic : A laboratory course that introduces students to the basic operating procedures related to the teeth.
Preclinical Prosthodontics : A laboratory course that introduces students to the basic prosthetic procedures.
The student enters dental clinics and employs dexterity, which was obtained in previous years for the treatment of patients. While still a student teaching courses in basic medical and dental issues.
Oral Pathology and Microbiology : The student is taught to recognize, analyze and appreciate the secondary conditions 2nd grade disease and oral peri-oral regions present in patients. The course also includes the evaluation and diagnosis of common oral diseases microscopic and macroscopic.
General medicine : Fundamental procedures in the systematic and thorough examination of patients with diseases, includes lectures and clinics.
General surgery : Introduction to general principles of surgery, clinical examination and evaluation of patients with surgical conditions.
Preventive and Community Dentistry : Designed to help students explore professional ethics with regard to relations Dentist their peers, patients and the community. Student attends dental fields and performs initial screening tests and sensitized to the specific needs of a variety of patient populations.
The student assumes greater responsibility for patients is more complex dental needs, and has a growing specialty areas of dentistry exposure.
Oral Medicine and Radiology : Second instruction systemic level of disease and the effect of oral diseases in the total health of the patient. Focus on the techniques of history taking, thorough examination of the patient, use of aids and diagnostic tests and formulation of treatment plans. Radiology includes a didactic presentation and detailed the essential practice of radiological techniques for different specialties of dentistry.
Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry : Oral health problems during the development and growth of complex child-facial gold and adolescents. The course includes training in preventive and restorative dentistry, patient management, traumatic dental injuries and minor tooth restoration and movements.
Orthodontics : Focus on growth and orofacial development and an introduction to the concepts and practical aspects of diagnosis and orthodontic treatment. Advanced facilities including computerized cephalometric diagnosis, predicting growth computerized and other ultra modern equipment helps make the state of the art orthodontic care.
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics : Restorative dental care including diagnosis, prevention and treatment planning, and the establishment of the sensitivity to health and comfort of the patient 's. Individual intracoronal including amalgam restorations, molten gold composite systems glass ionomer restoration are taught with emphasis on coordination with general dental restorative treatment needs of the patient 's. Endodontics provides dental student with a clear understanding of the biological basis of pulp and periapical disease and teaches them to talk about the techniques of root canal therapy and periapical surgery.
Periodontology : The student is introduced to the normal periodontal diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases common to both nonsurgical and surgical methods.
Prosthodontics : A detailed analysis of the edentulous and partially edentulous patients, with emphasis on diagnosis, design and manufacture of removable and fixed appliances analysis. The department is equipped with cast iron and ceramic laboratory.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : Introduction to the concepts and techniques of extraction of teeth and minor surgical problems and basic higher. It also includes methods of pain control and local anesthesia, and emergency dental care. Clinical program also includes major surgery, which involves the treatment of oral cancer, facial trauma, mandibular joint dysfunction, cleft lip and palate and jaw deformities.
Dental Public Health : The objectives of this specialty is to identify and measure oral health problems and needs of the community, to identify ways in which these needs can be better met within resource constraints. Participation in epidemiological surveillance and conducting research, contributing to the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge. Starting defense issues of health policy and effectively use the media to promote oral health. Community services with emphasis on children and disadvantaged patients by establishing satellite clinics in rural areas, conducting camps and free consultation is in the heart of the mission of the department itself.
After the fourth year, students participate in another distinctive part of the curriculum: the one-year internship. This internship exposes students to alternative clinical situations and different modes of treatment and instruction. This plays a vital role in the curriculum, allowing students to practice clinical and interpersonal skills in a more independent environment, with supervision, support and guidance of the faculty. At the time of internship , students apply and strengthen their skills in clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, patient management practice and emergency care.
The primary year begins with a preparation program for introducing basic sciences. This year the foundation includes introduction to pre-clinical dentistry and dental materials.
Human Anatomy Embryology and Histology including : Gross anatomy, histology and embryology are treated in its broader aspects, emphasizing points of clinical importance. Morphology is learned through lectures, dissections and clinical discussions.
Human Physiology Biochemistry including : body functions and physiological basis for understanding Integrates clinical conditions. Laboratory exercises are complemented by experimentation and demonstration. Biochemistry deals with the nature of the chemical processes that occur in living cells of our body with its applied aspects.
Oral Human Anatomy Embryology and Histology including : Lectures and laboratory course introduces the morphology of normal teeth, tooth carving and anatomy exercises occlusion healthy teeth. This course also includes extensive under-standing of embryology, microscopic and macroscopic structure, and functions of the orofacial complex.
The second year is provides the knowledge of the basic clinical and pre-clinical sciences. General and Dental Pharmacology and Therapeutics: Principles of drug action in the body and drugs of importance to clinical dentistry.
Dental materials : A thorough examination of the physical and chemical properties of the materials related to the practice of dentistry properties.
General Pathology and Microbiology General : Curriculum covers the fundamentals and general principles of disease in our body. Didactic sessions mainly comprising lectures are supplemented by macroscopic and microscopic laboratories and seminars. Microbiology includes bacteriology, virology, mycology and immunology to prepare students for a detailed study of infectious diseases, the general characteristics of pathogenic microorganisms, together with the laboratory instructions.
Pre-Operative Dentistry clinic : A laboratory course that introduces students to the basic operating procedures related to the teeth.
Preclinical Prosthodontics : A laboratory course that introduces students to the basic prosthetic procedures.
The student enters dental clinics and employs dexterity, which was obtained in previous years for the treatment of patients. While still a student teaching courses in basic medical and dental issues.
Oral Pathology and Microbiology : The student is taught to recognize, analyze and appreciate the secondary conditions 2nd grade disease and oral peri-oral regions present in patients. The course also includes the evaluation and diagnosis of common oral diseases microscopic and macroscopic.
General medicine : Fundamental procedures in the systematic and thorough examination of patients with diseases, includes lectures and clinics.
General surgery : Introduction to general principles of surgery, clinical examination and evaluation of patients with surgical conditions.
Preventive and Community Dentistry : Designed to help students explore professional ethics with regard to relations Dentist their peers, patients and the community. Student attends dental fields and performs initial screening tests and sensitized to the specific needs of a variety of patient populations.
The student assumes greater responsibility for patients is more complex dental needs, and has a growing specialty areas of dentistry exposure.
Oral Medicine and Radiology : Second instruction systemic level of disease and the effect of oral diseases in the total health of the patient. Focus on the techniques of history taking, thorough examination of the patient, use of aids and diagnostic tests and formulation of treatment plans. Radiology includes a didactic presentation and detailed the essential practice of radiological techniques for different specialties of dentistry.
Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry : Oral health problems during the development and growth of complex child-facial gold and adolescents. The course includes training in preventive and restorative dentistry, patient management, traumatic dental injuries and minor tooth restoration and movements.
Orthodontics : Focus on growth and orofacial development and an introduction to the concepts and practical aspects of diagnosis and orthodontic treatment. Advanced facilities including computerized cephalometric diagnosis, predicting growth computerized and other ultra modern equipment helps make the state of the art orthodontic care.
Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics : Restorative dental care including diagnosis, prevention and treatment planning, and the establishment of the sensitivity to health and comfort of the patient 's. Individual intracoronal including amalgam restorations, molten gold composite systems glass ionomer restoration are taught with emphasis on coordination with general dental restorative treatment needs of the patient 's. Endodontics provides dental student with a clear understanding of the biological basis of pulp and periapical disease and teaches them to talk about the techniques of root canal therapy and periapical surgery.
Periodontology : The student is introduced to the normal periodontal diagnosis and treatment of periodontal diseases common to both nonsurgical and surgical methods.
Prosthodontics : A detailed analysis of the edentulous and partially edentulous patients, with emphasis on diagnosis, design and manufacture of removable and fixed appliances analysis. The department is equipped with cast iron and ceramic laboratory.
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery : Introduction to the concepts and techniques of extraction of teeth and minor surgical problems and basic higher. It also includes methods of pain control and local anesthesia, and emergency dental care. Clinical program also includes major surgery, which involves the treatment of oral cancer, facial trauma, mandibular joint dysfunction, cleft lip and palate and jaw deformities.
Dental Public Health : The objectives of this specialty is to identify and measure oral health problems and needs of the community, to identify ways in which these needs can be better met within resource constraints. Participation in epidemiological surveillance and conducting research, contributing to the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge. Starting defense issues of health policy and effectively use the media to promote oral health. Community services with emphasis on children and disadvantaged patients by establishing satellite clinics in rural areas, conducting camps and free consultation is in the heart of the mission of the department itself.
After the fourth year, students participate in another distinctive part of the curriculum: the one-year internship. This internship exposes students to alternative clinical situations and different modes of treatment and instruction. This plays a vital role in the curriculum, allowing students to practice clinical and interpersonal skills in a more independent environment, with supervision, support and guidance of the faculty. At the time of internship , students apply and strengthen their skills in clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, patient management practice and emergency care.